... 可溶性盐基蒸煮液:soluble hase liquor 可溶性盐基:soluble base 可溶温度:consolute temperature ...
water-soluble base 水溶性基质
soluble base liquor 可溶性盐基蒸煮液
base soluble 碱溶性的
Soluble conjugated polyschiff's base 可溶性共轭聚席夫碱
water-soluble schiff base 水溶性席夫碱
soluble conjugated polyschiffs base 可溶性共轭聚席夫碱
water-soluble polymer-supported ferrocenyl Schiff base 水溶性高分子担载二茂铁希夫碱
The water - soluble Monascus yellow pigment was prepared from the Monascus red pigment and sodium dithionite in base solution.
Generally, the ionizable salt of the drug is more water soluble than the free acid or free base.
The interfering effects of surfactants on the effectiveness of water soluble rust inhibitors in water base metal working fluids and water base metal cleaners were investigated.